Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces Laboratory

Aug 05, 2024 Welcome Rasmus

We are delighted to welcome Rasmus to our Nanomaterials Spectroscopy and Imaging group. We wish him a successful and enjoyable stay as he investigates the synthesis-structure-function relations of inorganic chalcogenide perovskites.


I come from a small town on the western coast of Denmark and moved to Copenhagen to pursue a degree in materials science and solar energy engineering at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). At DTU, I also obtained my PhD and worked as a postdoctoral researcher in optoelectronic semiconductor physics, particularly focusing on novel materials for use in advanced photovoltaic cell concepts.
My main scientific interests are in energy materials, defect physics, and combinatorial/high-throughput materials discovery at the interface between computational and experimental science.
At Empa, I will join the Nanomaterials Spectroscopy and Imaging group within the Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces Lab. I will be working with Mirjana Dimitrievska on mapping the synthesis-structure-function relations of inorganic chalcogenide perovskites, which are considered promising for the next generation of solar cells.