
April 2024: We welcome Devin and Florian as new members of our lab.

March 2024: We welcome Efe as new member of our lab.

March 2024: Congratulations to Hugo, his paper on hydroborate solid-state batteries made it on the cover page of the January issue of ACS Energy Letters and  is among to most read articles for the past month. Read the article here.

March 2024: Where batteries are not an option! Read the interview with Alessandro, who recently launched his SNF Ambizione project on CO2 conversion. More information here.

March 2024: Our lab on national TV RTS in the 19:30 news. Watch the broadcast here.

February 2024: Our lab on national TV SRF1 in the infotainment broadcast Einstein. Watch the broadcast here.

February 2024: We welcome Graham, Michael and Talia as new members of our lab.

December 2023: We welcome YeonJu, Maximinio and Josep as new members of our lab.

October 2023: Our lab on national radio SRF in the infotainment broadcast Treffpunkt. Listen to the podcast here.

October 2023: We welcome Lina and Tommaso as new members of our lab.

October 2023: We welcome our new departement head Nathalie Casas and wish her a good start in her new role.

September 2023: Congratulations to our lab head Corsin Battaglia for being appointed Adjunct Professor at EPFL. More information here.

September 2023: Congratulations to David for receiving the 2023 Battery Division Postdoctoral Associate Research Award at the 244th Electrochemical Society Meeting in Göthborg. 

September 2023: Congratulations to Alessandro for winning a SNF Ambizione Grant.

September 2023: Congratulations to Arndt for winning the best poster award at the 4th International Sodium Battery Symposium in Dresden..

September 2023: Congratulations to Francesco for winning the best poster award of the Swiss Chemical Society and Helvetica Chimica Acta at the International Summer School "Electrocatalysis meets Electrosynthesis" in Interlaken.

September 2023: We welcome Sanja, Raphael and Alessio as new members of our lab.

August 2023: We welcome Nicolas and David as new members of our lab.

June 2023: Congratulations to Edouard and Sajad for winning the 1st prize at this year's Empa Summer Party Challenge.

June 2023: Congratulations to our former PhD student David for winning the 2023 ECS  Postdoctoral Associate Research Award. David will start his SNF Ambizione project in August in our lab.

May 2023: We welcome Sajad as new member of our lab.

April 2023: We welcome Cédric as new member of our lab.

April 2023: Our lab on national radio SRF in the infotainment broadcast Echo der Zeit. Listen to the podcast here.

March 2023: Congratulations to Lukas and coauthors. Their paper "Unraveling the voltage-dependent oxidation mechanisms of poly(ethylene oxide)-based solid electroyltes for solid-state batteries" was among the top downloaded articles in Advanced  Materials Interfaces 2022. Link to the paper here.

March 2023: Congratulations to our lab head Corsin Battaglia for being appointed Adjunct Professor at ETH Zurich. More information here.

March 2023: We welcome Nukorn and Jonas as new members of our lab.

February 2023: Our lab head Corsin Battaglia elected vice-president of the Swiss Battery Association iBAT. More information here.

February 2023: We welcome Thibault as new member of our lab.

January 2023: We welcome Antonino as new member of our lab.

December 2022: Kick-off meeting for the PREMISE project funded by the ETH board to establish, promote, and facilitate open data research practises within the ETH domain. More information here.

November 2022: We welcome Livio as new member of our lab.

November 2022: Our lab on national radio RTS in the infotainment podcast Le Point J. Listen to the podcast here.

November 2022: Annual meeting of the Swiss Battery Association iBAT organized by our lab at Empa Academy in Dübendorf. More information and registration here.

October 2022: Congratulations to our industry partner Kyburz for winning the Swiss Venture Club Award 2022 Wirtschaftsraum Zurich. More informationen here.

October 2022: Congratulations to our former PhD student David for winning the 2022 Empa Young Scientist Fellowship and for winning a SNF Ambizione grant.

October 2022 Congratulations to Maximilian for successfully defending his PhD at ETH Zurich.

October 2022: We welcome Hugo as new member of our lab.

September 2022: Congratulations to Meike for getting an SNF-ANR project funded.

September 2022: Kick-off meeting for the Horizon Europe project InteLiGent focusing on high-voltage lithium-ion batteries. More information available soon.

September 2022: We welcome Maissara and Antoine as new members of our lab.

August 2022: 4th edition of the Swiss Battery Days organized by our lab at Empa Academy in Dübendorf with a special industry session on solid-state batteries organized by the Swiss Battery Association iBAT and a session on next-generation lithium-ion batteries organized by the Horizon 2020 LC-BAT-5 project cluster. More information and registration here

June 2022: We welcome Ali as new member of our lab.

May 2022 Congratulations to Ke for successfully defending her PhD at the Xiamen University.

May 2022: We welcome Edouard as new member of our lab.

April 2022: We welcome Andrea as new member of our lab.

April 2022: Launch of the InnoSuisse Flagship project CircuBat, a national initative to advance the circularity for lithium-ion batteries. More information on the project's website here.

March 2022: We welcome Rafael as new member of our lab.

February 2022: We welcome Qing and Gian as new members of our lab.

January 2022: We welcome Dan and Silvan as new members of our lab.

December 2021: Congratulations to Daniel for successfully defending his PhD at EPFL.

December 2021: Our lab is happy to join the Alistore network as a new academic member. More information here.

November 2021: We welcome Roy as new member of our lab.

October 2021: We welcome Lea and Mariano as new members of our lab.

September 2021: Congratulations to Francesco for winning the best poster award at the Swiss Summer School 2021: Catalysis and Sustainability, organized by the Swiss Chemical Society and NCCR Catalysis.

September 2021: We welcome Peter, Mayan, and Ulrich as new members of our lab.

September 2021: Our lab is happy to join the BIG-MAP consortium as a stakeholder. More information on the project's website here.

August 2021: We welcome Sufu as new member of our lab.

July 2021 Congratulations to Ryo for successfully defending his PhD at the University of Geneva.

July 2021: We welcome Nicolas as new member of our lab.

June 2021: We welcome Walid as new member of our lab.

May 2021: Our lab on national TV in the infotainment show Einstein. Watch the podcast here.

May 2021: Our lab is happy to join the NCCR Catalysis consortium as associate partners. More information here.

May 2021: We welcome Aliki, Francesco, and Gerrit as new members of our lab.

March 2021: We welcome Roman as new member of our lab.

February 2021: 3rd edition of the Swiss Battery Days in honor of Prof. Petr Novak coorganized online by PSI and our lab taking place from February 15-17 with a surprise talk by Noble laureate Prof. Stanley Wittingham. More information and registration here.

February 2021: Kick-off meeting for the Horizon 2020 project Solstice focusing on molten salt and liquid metal batteries for stationnary storage. More information here and on the project's website here.

February 2021: We welcome Angelina as new member of our lab.

January 2021: Congratulations to Benjamin for completing his degree in electrical engineering at Höhere Fachschule Uster with the best grade of his class!

January 2021: We welcome Tu and Louis as new members of our lab.

December 2020: Our lab head Dr. Corsin Battaglia elected as executive committee member of the newly founded Swiss Battery Association More information here.

December 2020: Congratulations to Daniel for winning the MRS Best Presentation Award at the virtual MRS Spring/Fall Meeting.

November 2020: Congratulations to Marie-Claude for being one of the winners of the Global Falling Walls Emerging Talents competition. More information here.

November 2020: Register here or click here to see Marie-Claude's talk in the finalist round of the Global Falling Walls Science Breakthrough of the Year competition representing Switzerland among nominees from 111 countries. 

November 2020: We welcome Yuanye, Ke, and Enzo as new members of our lab.

October 2020: We welcome Enea as new member of our lab.

September 2020: We welcome Emma, Jan and Jonas as new members of our lab.

September 2020: Congratulations to our former PhD student Marie-Claude for winning a SNF/InnoSuisse Bridge Proof-of-Concept grant.

August 2020: We welcome Konstantin as new member of our lab.

July 2020: We welcome Viktor as new member of our lab.

June 2020 Congratulations to David for successfully defending his PhD at the EPFL.

June 2020 Congratulations to Francesco for successfully defending his PhD at the ETH Zurich.

June 2020 Congratulations to Marie-Claude for successfully defending her PhD at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.

May 2020: European perspectives on batteries of the future, a scientific web conference organized by Battery 2030+, register here.

March 2020: We welcome Hugo and Manuel as new members of our lab.

January 2020: We welcome Wengao, Francesco, and Patrick as new members of our lab.

December 2019: Our lab on national TV in the infotainment show Einstein. Watch the podcast here.

December 2019: Congratulations to Rabeb for winning a  Horizon 2020 Marie Slodowska-Curie COFUND postdoc fellowship.

December 2019: Congratulations to Arndt for successfully definding his habilitation at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.

November 2019: Congratulations to David for having been selected to represent Switzerland at the Global Young Scientist Summit in Singapore in January. More information here.

November 2019: We welcome Alessandro and Francesco as new members of our lab.

October 2019 We welcome Gustav and David as new members of our lab.

October 2019 Congratulations to Léo for winning the ECS Battery Division Student Research Award sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Research & Development. Léo will receive the award at the 236th ECS Meeting in Atlanta in October.

September 2019 Congratulations to Léo for successfully defending his PhD thesis at the University of Geneva.

September 2019 We welcome Florian and Fabian as new members of our lab.

August 2019 Our lab is organzing the 2nd edition of the Swiss & Surrounding Battery Days taking place from August 26 to 28 at Empa Academy. More information and registration here.

June 2019 We welcome Lukas and David as new members of our lab.

May 2019 Congratulations to Ryo for winning  a "Travel Award" from the International Society of Solid State Ionics..

May 2019 Congratulations to all the runners that defended the colors of our lab at this year's SOLA Stafette! Impressions can be found here.

April 2019 Congratulations to Ryo and Léo for winning each a "Chemistry Travel Award 2019" from the Swiss Academy of Sciences and the Swiss Chemical Society.

April 2019 We welcome Isabel and Rabeb as new members of our lab.

March 2019 We welcome Chengyin and Christos as new members of our lab.

February 2019 We welcome Maximilian as new member of our lab.

January 2019 Kick-off to an exciting new project on all-solid-state batteries with project partner Fraunhofer ISC. Press release can be found here.

January 2019 Congratulations to Léo for winning the UniGe/UniTec Impact Award for the "Most Promising Invention 2018". Press release and video can be found here.

December 2018: Congratulations to Chengyin for winning a  Horizon 2020 Marie Slodowska-Curie COFUND postdoc fellowship.

Oktober 2018 We welcome Petroula, Reto and Jonathan as new members of our lab.

September 2018 Congratulations to David for winning the 1st price at the Falling Walls Lab Zurich. David qualified to pitch his project at the Falling Falls International Conference on Future Breakthroughs in Science and Society in Berlin on 8 and 9 of November. Keeping fingers crossed!

September 2018 We welcome André as new member of our lab.

August 2018 Congratulations to David for winning a 3 months fellowship in the framework of the Japanese-Swiss Young Researcher's Exchange Programme. David will do research in Prof. Yamada's group at the University of Toyko.

August 2018 Congratulations to Léo for winning a 3 months fellowship in the framework of the Korea-Swiss Young Researcher's Exchange Programme. Léo will do research in Prof. Jung's group at Hanyang University.

August 2018 We welcome Omar and Lukas as new members of our lab.

July 2018 We welcome Ilan as new member of our lab.

May 2018 Congratulations to David for winning the outstanding student poster award at the 233rd ECS Meeting in Seattle.

April 2018 We welcome Alexander and Francesco as new members of our lab.

March 2018 We welcome Arash as new member of our lab.

February 2018 Our lab in the radio. Listen here.

February 2018 Congratulations to David for winning one of this year's MDPI Technologies Travel Awards. David will present his work on aqueous batteries and supercapacitors at the 233rd ECS Meeting in Seattle.

January 2018: Congratulations to Arash for winning a  Horizon 2020 Marie Slodowska-Curie COFUND postdoc fellowship.

January 2018 Yinglu's paper on the impact of the Ni content on Half-Heusler thermoelectrics was accepted for publication in Energy & Environmental Science and can be found here.

January 2018 Our lab is representing Switzerland at the European Battery Cell Research & Innovation Workshop organized by the European Commission in Brussels.

January 2018 Yinglu's paper on the impact of the Ni content on Half-Heusler thermoelectrics was accepted for publication in Energy & Environmental Science and can be found here.

January 2018 The press release featuring Ruben and David's work on aqueous electrolytes for sodium-ion batteries can be found here. The corresponding paper published in ACS Energy Express can be found here. The corresponding article in the Tagesanzeiger can be found here.

January 2018 Congratulations to Léo for winning a 3 months fellowship in the framework of the Korea-Swiss Young Researcher's Exchange Programme. Léo will do research in Prof. Jung's group at the Hanyang University.

January 2018 We welcome Ryo as new member of our lab.

December 2017: Congratulations to Arash for winning a  Horizon 2020 Marie Slodowska-Curie COFUND postdoc fellowship.

November 2017 Congratulations to Léo for winning a poster award at this year’s Empa PhD symposium. His paper on a 3 V solid-state battery was accepted in the journal Energy and Environmental Science and can be found here. The Empa press release can be found here.

November 2017 We welcome Jia En as new member of our lab.

Oktober 2017 We welcome Camilla and Daniel as new members of our lab.

August 2017 We welcome Yeojeong as new member of our lab.

July 2017 Congratulations to David and Ruben for winning the 1st poster prize at the 5th International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capacitors in Jena, Germany.

June 2017 We welcome Serkan as new member of our lab.

May 2017 We welcome Gwansik as new member of our lab and congratulate him on winning the Korean-Swiss Science and Technology Programme grant.

May 2017 The Swiss National Science Foundation published a press release on our novel ionic conductors, based on our recent papers that can be found here.

April 2017 We welcome Cristina, Josefa and Renato as new members of our lab.

March 2017 We welcome Kostadin as new member of our lab.

March 2017 Our research is featured in the ESRF Highlights 2016 and can befound here.

February 2017 Our lab on TV: the broadcast SRF Einstein "Zukunft ohne Bezin" can be found here.

January 2017 We welcome Daniel as new member of our lab.

October 2016 We welcome Lorenzo as new member of our lab.

August 2016 We welcome Peter as new member of our lab.

July 2016 We welcome Evelyn, Francesco and Eduardo as new members of our lab.

June 2016 We welcome Wenbo as new member of our lab.

May 2016 We welcome Marie-Claude and Benjamin as new members of our lab.

April 2016 We welcome Lukas and Matthias as new members of our lab.

March 2016 Congratulations to Remo for securing an EPSRC PhD fellowship!

March 2016 Congratulations to Alex for passing his PhD defense.

March 2016 We are proud to host the upcoming Japanese Swiss Energy Materials Workshop here at Empa -- program with details can be found here.

March 2016 We welcome Yinglu and David as new members of our lab.

February 2016 Review on silicon photovoltaics just published in Energy & Environmental Science can be found here.

February 2016 Paper on platinum thin-film electrodes prepared by AA-CVD in Adv. Eng. Mater. can be found here.

January 2016 We welcome Elsa and Léo as new members of our lab.

October 2015 Congratulations to Yuri for passing his PhD defense magna cum laude!

October 2015 Congratulations to Philipp for passing his PhD defense magna cum laude!

June 2015 Yigang and Arndt's paper made the backcover of the June issue of Chemical Communications and can be found here.

May 2015 Jagoda and Santhosh's paper made the cover of the May issue of Physica Status Solidi, Rapid Reserach Letters. Their paper can be found here.

December 2014 New paper in  on selective contacts for solar cells in collaboration with Australian National University can be found here here.

September 2014 Management changes at Empa. Press release can be found here


Prof. Dr. Corsin Battaglia

Head of Laboratory

Telefon: +41 58 765 4131

Daniela Isler-Schmid

Administrative Assistant

Telefon: +41 58 765 4871

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