Industry cooperation in the field of Life Cycle Assessments

Empa researchers join Quantis to open new branch in Switzerland

2-apr-2013 | MICHAEL HAGMANN
Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, will “spin-out” its service team in the field of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to Quantis, an international leading consultancy in LCA. The transfer will comprise five scientists, the consultancy projects, and will be the basis for a new company branch, based at Empa’s technology center glatec in the Zurich metropolitan area.
Empa’s research activities in the area of Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) have gained a lot of interest and are internationally recognized, especially in the fields of energy, mobility, materials and buildings, as well as in databases management. To further improve industry cooperation and know-how dissemination, Empa and Quantis decided to start a new cooperation. While Empa will focus its activities on research on methodological challenges in LCA, Quantis will, in turn, take over the LCA service activities from Empa. “Empa is very pleased to hand over well-established LCA services to Quantis and looks forward to a fruitful cooperation with Quantis in the future”, says Empa CEO, Gian-Luca Bona.

After Lausanne and Bellinzona, a new Quantis branch is opened in Switzerland, which will start its activities on 1st May 2013 at the Empa technology center glatec in Dübendorf near Zürich. The new branch will be led by Rainer Zah, currently head of the LCA group at Empa’s “Technology and Society” laboratory. The team consists of renowned experts in the field of LCA modeling and inventory data. With high complementarity concerning expertise, business sectors and geographic area, the new Quantis branch will focus on LCA services and applied research in the fields of energy, mobility, materials and buildings, as well as Life Cycle databases, and serve the Swiss German and German markets. “The collaboration with Empa will strengthen the position of Quantis as a recognized global leader that helps organizations move towards sustainability through the life cycle approach”, says Yves Loerincik, CEO of Quantis International.

What is LCA?
LCA is a method to assess environmental impacts along all stages of a product's life from-cradle-to-grave, i.e., from raw material extraction through materials processing, manufacture, distribution, use, to recycling or disposal. For companies, designers, and governments, LCA serves as a decision-making aid for reducing environmental impacts.

About Quantis
Quantis ( is a leading life cycle assessment (LCA) consulting firm specialized in supporting companies to measure, understand and manage the environmental impacts of their products, services and operations. Quantis has a strong track record in developing new LCA methodologies and applying its knowledge and expertise to support clients in transforming LCA results into decisions, action plans and added value. Quantis is a global company with offices in Switzerland, France, the United States and Canada, and employs over 70 people, amongst which several are internationally renowned experts in the LCA field.




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