Publications 2023

Bernasconi, F.; Senocrate, A.; Kraus, P.; Battaglia, C. Enhancing C≥2 product selectivity in electrochemical CO2 reduction by controlling the microstructure of gas diffusion electrodes. EES Catalysis 2023, 1 (1), 1009-1016.
Detailed Record
Bizzotto, F.; Dachraoui, W.; Grissa, R.; Zhao, W.; Pagani, F.; Querel, E.; Kühnel, R. S.; Battaglia, C. Modification of NMC811 with titanium for enhanced cycling and high-voltage stability. Electrochim. Acta 2023, 462, 142758 (11 pp.).
Detailed Record
Dachraoui, W.; Pauer, R.; Battaglia, C.; Erni, R. Operando electrochemical liquid cell scanning transmission electron microscopy investigation of the growth and evolution of the mosaic solid electrolyte interphase for lithium-ion batteries. ACS Nano 2023, 17 (20), 20434-20444.
Detailed Record
Davis, C. M.; Waters, S. E.; Robb, B. H.; Thurston, J. R.; Reber, D.; Marshak, M. P. Disparate redox potentials in mixed isomer electrolytes reduce voltage efficiency of energy dense flow batteries. Batteries 2023, 9 (12), 573 (9 pp.).
Detailed Record
Egorov, K.; Zhao, W.; Knemeyer, K.; Filippin, A. N.; Giraldo, A.; Battaglia, C. Mitigating first-cycle capacity losses in NMC811 via lithicone layers grown by molecular layer deposition. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15 (16), 20075-20080.
Detailed Record
Garcia, A.; Müller, G.; Černý, R.; Rentsch, D.; Asakura, R.; Battaglia, C.; Remhof, A. Li4B10H10B12H12 as solid electrolyte for solid-state lithium batteries. J. Mater. Chem. A 2023, 11 (35), 18996-19003.
Detailed Record
Heinz, M. V. F.; Sieuw, L.; Lan, T.; Turconi, A.; Basso, D.; Vagliani, F.; Pozzi, A.; Battaglia, C. Cell design strategies for sodium-zinc chloride (Na-ZnCl2) batteries, and first demonstration of tubular cells with 38 Ah capacity. Electrochim. Acta 2023, 464, 142881 (10 pp.).
Detailed Record
Huang, Y.; Černý, R.; Battaglia, C.; Remhof, A. Elucidating the pressure-induced enhancement of ionic conductivity in sodium closo-hydroborate electrolytes for all-solid-state batteries. J. Mater. Sci. 2023, 58 (17), 7398-7406.
Detailed Record
Kumar, S.; Ding, W.; Hoffmann, R.; Sieuw, L.; Heinz, M. V. F.; Weber, N.; Bonk, A. AlCl3-NaCl-ZnCl2 secondary electrolyte in next-generation ZEBRA (Na-ZnCl2) battery. Batteries 2023, 9 (8), 401 (18 pp.).
Detailed Record
Lan, T.; Graeber, G.; Sieuw, L.; Svaluto-Ferro, E.; Vagliani, F.; Basso, D.; Turconi, A.; Battaglia, C.; Heinz, M. V. F. Planar sodium-nickel chloride batteries with high areal capacity for sustainable energy storage. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 33 (33), 2302040 (9 pp.).
Detailed Record
Liu, S.; Becker, M.; Huang-Joos, Y.; Lai, H.; Homann, G.; Grissa, R.; Egorov, K.; Fu, F.; Battaglia, C.; Kühnel, R. S. Multifunctional additive ethoxy(pentafluoro)cyclotriphosphazene enables safe carbonate electrolyte for SiOx-graphite/NMC811 batteries. Batter. Supercaps 2023, 6 (7), e202300220 (10 pp.).
Detailed Record
Reber, D.; Thurston, J. R.; Becker, M.; Marshak, M. P. Stability of highly soluble ferrocyanides at neutral pH for energy-dense flow batteries. Cell Rep. Phys. Sci. 2023, 4 (1), 101215 (19 pp.).
Detailed Record
Till, P.; Asakura, R.; Remhof, A.; Zeier, W. G. On the local structure in ordered and disordered closo-hydroborate solid electrolytes. J. Phys. Chem. C 2023, 127, 987-993.
Detailed Record
Vesztergom, S.; Senocrate, A.; Kong, Y.; Kolivoška, V.; Bernasconi, F.; Zboray, R.; Battaglia, C.; Broekmann, P. Eliminating flooding-related issues in electrochemical CO-to-CO converters: two lines of defense. Chimia 2023, 77 (3), 104 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Yu, R.; Senocrate, A.; Bernasconi, F.; Künniger, T.; Müller, L.; Pauer, R.; Battaglia, C.; Wang, X.; Wang, J. Flexible and ultrathin waterproof conductive cellular membranes based on conformally gold-coated PVDF nanofibers and their potential as gas diffusion electrode. Mater. Des. 2023, 225, 111441 (11 pp.).
Detailed Record
Zhang, C.; Zhao, W.; Park, S. H.; Guo, T.; Deng, S.; Seral-Ascaso, A.; Si, M.; Grissa, R.; Barwich, S.; Nicolosi, V. Interconnected metallic membrane enabled by MXene inks toward high-rate anode and high-voltage cathode for Li-Ion batteries. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 33 (14), 2213860 (9 pp.).
Detailed Record
Zhao, W.; Si, M.; Wang, K.; Brack, E.; Zhang, Z.; Fan, X.; Battaglia, C. Electrolyte optimization to improve the high-voltage operation of single-crystal LiNi0.83Co0.11Mn0.06O2 in lithium-ion batteries. Batteries 2023, 9 (11), 528 (11 pp.).
Detailed Record
Zhao, W.; Wang, K.; Dubey, R.; Ren, F.; Brack, E.; Becker, M.; Grissa, R.; Seidl, L.; Pagani, F.; Egorov, K.; et al. Extending the high-voltage operation of graphite/NCM811 cells by constructing a robust electrode/electrolyte interphase layer. Mater. Today Energy 2023, 34, 101301 (11 pp.).
Detailed Record
Zhao, W.; Wang, K.; Fan, X.; Ren, F.; Xu, X.; Liu, Y.; Xiong, S.; Liu, X.; Zhang, Z.; Si, M.; et al. Quantifying degradation parameters of single-crystalline Ni-Rich cathodes in Lithium-Ion batteries. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, 62 (32), e202305281 (9 pp.).
Detailed Record

Prof. Dr. Corsin Battaglia
Head of Laboratory

Phone: +41 58 765 4131

Daniela Isler-Schmid
Administrative Assistant

Phone: +41 58 765 4871