Publications 2019

Asakura, R.; Duchêne, L.; Kühnel, R. S.; Remhof, A.; Hagemann, H.; Battaglia, C. Electrochemical oxidative stability of hydroborate-based solid-state electrolytes. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 2 (9), 6924-6930.
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Bay, M. C.; Heinz, M. V. F.; Figi, R.; Schreiner, C.; Basso, D.; Zanon, N.; Vogt, U. F.; Battaglia, C. Impact of liquid phase formation on microstructure and conductivity of Li-stabilized Na-β"-alumina ceramics. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 2 (1), 687-693.
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Becker, M.; Kühnel, R. S.; Battaglia, C. Water-in-salt electrolytes for aqueous lithium-ion batteries with liquidus temperatures below -10 °C. Chem. Commun. 2019, 55 (80), 12032-12035.
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Cuervo-Reyes, E.; Roedern, E.; Yun, Y.; Battaglia, C. Analytical approximation for the frequency dependent conductivity in ionic conductors. Electrochim. Acta 2019, 297, 435-442.
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Delgado, T.; Ajoubipour, S.; Afshani, J.; Yoon, S.; Walfort, B.; Hagemann, H. Spectroscopic properties of Dy3+ - and Dy3+ , B3+ - doped SrAl2O4. Opt. Mater. 2019, 89, 268-275.
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Dilger, S.; Trottmann, M.; Pokrant, S. Scaling up electrodes for photoelectrochemical water splitting: fabrication process and performance of 40 cm2 LaTiO2N photoanodes. ChemSusChem 2019, 12 (9), 1931-1938.
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Duchêne, L.; Lunghammer, S.; Burankova, T.; Liao, W. C.; Embs, J. P.; Copéret, C.; Wilkening, H. M. R.; Remhof, A.; Hagemann, H.; Battaglia, C. Ionic conduction mechanism in the Na2(B12H12)0.5(B10H10)0.5 closo-borate solid-state electrolyte: interplay of disorder and ion–ion interactions. Chem. Mater. 2019, 31 (9), 3449-3460.
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Fu, F.; Pisoni, S.; Jeangros, Q.; Sastre-Pellicer, J.; Kawecki, M.; Paracchino, A.; Moser, T.; Werner, J.; Andres, C.; Duchêne, L.; et al. Ivapor-induced degradation of formamidinium lead iodide based perovskite solar cells under heat–light soaking conditions. Energy Environ. Sci. 2019, 12 (10), 3074-3088.
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Gaudy, Y. K.; Dilger, S.; Pokrant, S.; Haussener, S. Majority charge carrier transport in particle-based photoelectrodes. J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123 (43), 26082-26094.
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Gesevičius, D.; Neels, A.; Duchêne, L.; Hack, E.; Heier, J.; Nüesch, F. Physical vapour deposition of cyanine salts and their first application in organic electronic devices. J. Mater. Chem. C 2019, 7 (2), 414-423.
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Gigante, A.; Duchêne, L.; Moury, R.; Pupier, M.; Remhof, A.; Hagemann, H. Direct solution‐based synthesis of the Na4(B12H12)(B10H10) solid electrolyte. ChemSusChem 2019, 12 (21), 4832-4837.
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Huber, L.; Hauser, S. B.; Brendlé, E.; Ruch, P.; Ammann, J.; Hauert, R.; Widmer, R. N.; Ubert, C. J.; Matam, S. K.; Yoon, S.; et al. The effect of activation time on water sorption behavior of nitrogen-doped, physically activated, monolithic carbon for adsorption cooling. Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 2019, 276, 239-250.
Detailed Record
Ju, W.; Jiang, F.; Ma, H.; Pan, Z.; Zhao, Y. ‐B.; Pagani, F.; Rentsch, D.; Wang, J.; Battaglia, C. Electrocatalytic reduction of gaseous CO2 to CO on Sn/Cu‐nanofiber‐based gas diffusion electrodes. Adv. Energy Mater. 2019, 9 (32), 1901514 (6 pp.).
Detailed Record
Ju, W.; Zeng, J.; Bejtka, K.; Ma, H.; Rentsch, D.; Castellino, M.; Sacco, A.; Pirri, C. F.; Battaglia, C. Sn-decorated Cu for selective electrochemical CO2 to CO conversion: precision architecture beyond composition design. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 2 (1), 867-872.
Detailed Record
Ju, W.; Battaglia, C. Sn/Cu catalysts for CO2RR: impact of composition and morphology on product selectivity. Presented at the European fuel cell forum (EFCF 2019), Lucerne, Switzerland, July 2-5, 2019; p (9 pp.).
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Landmann, D.; Tang, Y.; Kunz, B.; Huber, R.; Widner, D.; Rickhaus, P.; Widmer, R. N.; Elsener, H. R.; Battaglia, C. Fabrication, characterization, and application-matched design of thermoelectric modules based on Half-Heusler FeNbSb and TiNiSn. J. Appl. Phys. 2019, 126 (8), 085113 (5 pp.).
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Liu, Y.; Moser, T.; Andres, C.; Gorjan, L.; Remhof, A.; Clemens, F.; Graule, T.; Tiwari, A. N.; Romanyuk, Y. E. Ethanolamine-assisted low-temperature crystallization of hydroxide nanoparticle ink into transparent and conductive ITO layers. J. Mater. Chem. A 2019, 7 (7), 3083-3089.
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Moury, R.; Łodziana, Z.; Remhof, A.; Duchêne, L.; Roedern, E.; Gigante, A.; Hagemann, H. Pressure-induced phase transitions in Na2B12H12, structural investigation on a candidate for solid-state electrolyte. Acta Crystallogr. B 2019, 75 (3), 406-413.
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Nestler, T.; Roedern, E.; Uvarov, N. F.; Hanzig, J.; Elia, G. A.; de Vivanco, M. Separators and electrolytes for rechargeable batteries: fundamentals and perspecitves. In Electrochemical storage materials. From crystallography to manufacturing technology; Meyer, D. C., Leisegang, T., Zschornak, M., Stöcker, H., Eds.; de Gruyter: Berlin, 2019; pp 174-220.
Detailed Record
Nestler, T.; Roedern, E.; Uvarov, N. F.; Hanzig, J.; Elia, G. A.; de Vivanco, M. Separators and electrolytes for rechargeable batteries: fundamentals and perspectives. Phys. Sci. Rev. 2019, 4 (4), 20170115 (29 pp.).
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Pfenninger, R.; Struzik, M.; Garbayo, I.; Stilp, E.; Rupp, J. L. M. A low ride on processing temperature for fast lithium conduction in garnet solid-state battery films. Nat. Energy 2019, 4 (6), 475-483.
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Reber, D.; Figi, R.; Kühnel, R. S.; Battaglia, C. Stability of aqueous electrolytes based on LiFSI and NaFSI. Electrochim. Acta 2019, 321, 134644 (6 pp.).
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Reber, D.; Kühnel, R. S.; Battaglia, C. Suppressing crystallization of water-in-salt electrolytes by asymmetric anions enables low-temperature operation of high-voltage aqueous batteries. ACS Mater. Lett. 2019, 1 (1), 44-51.
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Vidal Laveda, J.; Low, J. E.; Pagani, F.; Stilp, E.; Dilger, S.; Baran, V.; Heere, M.; Battaglia, C. Stabilizing capacity retention in NMC811/graphite full cells via TMSPi electrolyte additives. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 2 (10), 7036-7044.
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Prof. Dr. Corsin Battaglia
Head of Laboratory

Phone: +41 58 765 4131

Daniela Isler-Schmid
Administrative Assistant

Phone: +41 58 765 4871