Key dates / Conference Program

Key Dates SMAR 2017
Submission of Abstracts extended to 23 January 2017
Abstract Acceptance Notification 31 January 2017
Submission of Full Lengths Papers

31 March 2017 -
extension until 10 April 2017

Paper Acceptance Notification 10 June 2017
Submission of Final Revised Papers 31 July 2017
Early Registration 30 June 2017
Pre-Conference Scientific Tour 12  September 2017
SMAR 2017 Conference 13 ā€“ 15 September 2017


Conference Program Booklet

12 September 2017 all day
Pre-conference Scientific Tour

13 September 2017
Conference opening session, Keynote presentations
Parallel sessions all day  
Evening: Conference welcome reception at Empa Duebendorf and
visit of NEST and Laboratories

14 September 2017
Keynote presentations, parallel sessions all day
Evening: Conference Dinner at Restaurant Lake Side, Zurich

15 September 2017
Keynote presentations, parallel sessions and
Closing session and award presentation ceremony




For more information please contact

Mrs. Bernadette Havranek
Empa, Switzerland


Mrs. Pinar Inci
ITU, Istanbul