Recent publications of the CT group (highlights)

"Combinatorial Reactive Sputtering with Auger Parameter Analysis Enables Synthesis of Wurtzite Zn2TaN3"

S. Zhuk, A. Wieczorek, A. Sharma, J. Patidar, K. Thorwarth, J. Michler, S. Siol

Chemistry of Materials 2023, 35, 17, 7069–7078


Cover of Volume 35, Issue 17, September 12, 2023

"Improving the crystallinity and texture of oblique-angle-deposited AlN thin films using reactive synchronized HiPIMS"

J. Patidar, A. Sharma, S. Zhuk, G. Lorenzin, C. Cancellieri, M. F. Sarott, M. Trassin, K. Thorwarth, J. Michler, S. Siol

Surface & Coatings Technology 468 (2023) 129719

"Resolving Oxidation States and X–site Composition of Sn Perovskites through Auger Parameter Analysis in XPS"

A. Wieczorek, H. Lai, J. Pious, F. Fu, S. Siol

Advanced Materials Interfaces 2022, 220182


Cover of Volume 10, Issue 7, March 6, 2023

"Resolving Oxidation States and X–site Composition of Sn Perovskites through Auger Parameter Analysis in XPS"

A. Wieczorek, H. Lai, J. Pious, F. Fu, S. Siol

Advanced Materials Interfaces 2022, 220182

Cover of Volume 10, Issue 7, March 6, 2023
"Synthesis and Characterization of the Ternary Nitride Semiconductor Zn2VN3: Theoretical Prediction, Combinatorial Screening, and Epitaxial Stabilization"

S. Zhuk, A. A. Kistanov, S. C. Boehme, N. Ott, F. La Mattina, M. Stiefel, M. V. Kovalenko and S. Siol

Chemistry of Materials 2021, 33, 23, 9306–9316
"Influence of amorphous carbon interlayers on nucleation and early growth of lithium metal at the current collector-solid electrolyte interface"

M. H. Futscher, T. Amelal, J. Sastre, A. Müller, J. Patidar, A. Aribia, K. Thorwarth, S. Siol, Y. E. Romanyuk

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10, 15535-15542

Publications of members of the CT group since 2005

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