Laboratory for High Performance Ceramics

Empa's Laboratory for High Performance Ceramics is involved in the scientific research, development and characterization of advanced ceramics and composites for structural and, increasingly, functional applications.

With our primarily technologically-based orientation, we have established a leadership position for ourselves in Switzerland. In cooperation with project partners, we conduct targeted feasibility studies in our specialized processing laboratories to find new solutions to problems in the field of materials.  Special emphasis is placed on “high risk” projects in the areas of nanostructuring, energy research and damage-tolerant ceramics, and results are subsequently published in recognized scientific journals.

In the area of nanotechnology we have attained a key national position in transferring fundamental knowledge gained in academic circles into industrial practice with small and medium-sized companies. Using successful demonstration projects and prototype batches as a basis, we strive to bring the attained knowledge to fruition in the form of scale-up projects with industrial partners. With our widely-based interdisciplinary know-how and our extensive network of contacts, we actively promote the introduction of innovative products to the high-tech sector of Swiss industry.

We are further intensely engaged as lecturers in various bachelor and master programs in Swiss and European Universities.


Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
Laboratory for High Performance Ceramics
Ueberlandstrasse 129
CH-8600 Duebendorf

Prof. Dr. Thomas Graule
Head of Laboratory

Telefon: +41 58 765 4123

Georgiana Schönberg
Executive Assistant to Lab Head

Phone: +41 58 765 4844