A digital twin in the kitchen: Keeping fruit and veggies fresh with your cell phone

2.8 million tons of food are being wasted each year before they even reach Swiss tables – luckily, there are ways to change that. Empa researchers Kanaha Shoji and Jörg Schemminger have developed an app to tackle this issue and helps us do our bit.

Optimal storage conditions vary according to the type of vegetable or fruit. We can help reduce food waste if we know how to best keep our food fresh and enjoyable, and expand its shelf life. Firstly, information about environmental conditions, for instance temperature and relative humidity, are needed. Secondly, the optimal conditions for each vegetable or fruit has to be taken into account. The app MyFruitTwin promises to deliver this information, allowing better storage and waste reduction. Watch below the exciting presentations including a food quiz with a life audience, hosted by Empa's Head of Communications, Michael Hagmann, and find out how the app works. 




Related information:

About the MyFruitTwin 

Latest interview on digital twins: The simulated patient  



Andrea Six (andrea.six@empa.ch)

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Kanaha Shoji, Scientist, Biomimetic Membranes and Textiles
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Jörg Schemminger, Scientist, Biomimetic Membranes and Textiles
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